Celebrating 25 Years

A quarter-century ago, in May 1999, Bird & Beckett Books flung its doors open with reckless abandon, and somehow, some way, we’ve kept those doors open ever since. We’ll keep them open come hell or high water. But like Slim said to Steve in To Have and Have Not, it’s better when you help!
So help us out by joining the month-long 25th anniversary party at B&B… It’s pretty much always a party at B&B!
We’ve got 25 fantastic events scheduled for May–starting with a reading by poets James Cagney and Thomas Dunn on the 2nd and wrapping up with a performance by Red Fast Luck (David Boyce and PC Muñoz) in the late show on the 31st–and that’s nothing out of the ordinary around here!
Please do come down and celebrate with us!
Buy a book or catch a show!
Or do a lot of both!
Now there’s merch!
We’ve got T-SHIRTS and TOTE BAGS again–with a new 25th anniversary design, featuring art by Mateo Burch, screen printed by the fine folks at Fleet Wood on Clement. That’s the graphic–Mateo’s block print style rendering of our storefront–that you see at the top of this email.
It’s been too long since we had shirts and totes, but once again you can clothe yourself and haul your books ‘n victuals in Bird & Beckett swag as you meander the city or traipse the world! Send us your best photo of your own sweet self in B&B gear–whether it be on Muni or in the Mediterranean–and we’ll add it to our social media.

Hot off the press from Bird & Beckett!
Dharma Pharmacy & Surf Shop, poems by Kevin Opstedal! This knock-out collection by the Venice-born, long-time Santa Cruz-based poet, publisher, and documenter of the dream, is now available! Come down to the shop and get one while they last.
It’s Bird & Beckett’s latest publication, in a long line of publications edited, designed, printed and bound, as per usual, by Nicholas James Whittington at Impart Ink–a knock-out piece of work done at Nick’s knock-about studio. While you’re at it, check out the rest of our small poetry books and little mags–and stay tuned for a release reading for Dharma Pharmacy & Surf Shop with Kevin Opstedal and friends sometime this spring or summer.
Big SALE on Bittersweet Memories!
We’ve got too many… memoirs, that is. We’ve cleaned up our memoir room way at the back of the store, and have built in some extra shelving to get things off the floor, but we’re still drowning in others’ sorrows, joys and malaises.
For the month of May, we’re discounting all used and new memoirs 25% in honor of our 25th Anniversary. (Luddites that we are–or perhaps we’re just sentimental–at Bird & Beckett we only apply discounts when you pay with cold, hard cash, so stop off at an ATM on your way to the shop.)
Pick up some art writing or used history while you’re back there! History is best when it’s used! Or maybe grab a book of poems when you emerge. Buy a memoir, and we’ll apply the same discount to one other book of your choosing from any section in the store.

B&B Luddites join the 21st Century!
Nothing but nothing beats seeing customers face to face in the shop, but if you live too far to visit and still want to send a little business our way or if you want to send a gift to somebody out in the hinterlands, you can now visit our online storefront at https://bookshop.org/shop/birdbeckett.
We’ll add some featured book lists as time goes on–starting with the proprietor’s 25 favorites, but you can use the search bar now if you’re looking for something in particular.
Can’t find it? Out of stock? Or just want to do things the old fashioned way? We’re still happy to take orders over the counter, on the phone, or via email. (Even email is “old fashioned” you say? So be it, we have been in business a long time, and it’s worked so far!)