In a program called “Love Our City,” every month San Francisco Public Works sponsors neighborhood cleanups in one supervisorial district. Volunteers help keep San Francisco beautiful through landscaping and gardening projects, graffiti removal and litter cleanup.
And Saturday, February 10 is our turn! There are two great projects to choose from.
What to Expect
- The event kicks off at James Lick Middle School yard, 4161-25th Street, with registration between 8:30 AM and 9 AM. Or you can register online here.
- There will be a short speaking program to go over the day’s activities get a quick safety overview.
- Volunteers and Public Works staff then will head to their assigned work sites via shuttle vans.
- Work will take place for about 3 hours, with everyone returning to the kickoff location around noon.
- There will be free compost so bring your own bucket if you want some.
What to Wear/Bring
- Dress in layers
- Wear closed toe shoes and sunscreen
- Bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated
Vests and tools will be provided.
In Glen Park volunteers and DPW staff will weed, pick up litter, remove green waste, and spread degenerate gravel on the median on Bosworth from Elk to Diamond. There will be lane closure at the site. This location was tackled last year and everything went smoothly.

At the Bernal Cut volunteers and DPW staff will be working along San Jose Avenue between Natick and Mateo, focusing on the new gardens of the Arlington Triangle and the Arlington Path. Jobs of all skill levels include spreading mulch, weeding invasive oxalis, and planting and fortifying the new oak trees at St Mary’s Ave staircase. This is an exciting green corridor that is supporting San Francisco biodiversity with native plants and safe passage for our pollinators.
For those not going to the District Wide kick off event, for the Bernal Cut project you may meet up on the corner of Arlington and Roanoke by the blue book box and bike share at 10am.

If you are interested in taking part in one of these events, please register here.