Virtual Community Meeting on Proposed Development at Diamond Heights and Diamond Street, Thursday, March 4, 7:00 pm

The Diamond Heights Community Association invites the public to join us on Thursday, March 4, 7:00 pm. The meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the proposed development at 5367 Diamond Heights Blvd. at Diamond for 24 market rate units: four 4-bedroom single-family homes and twenty 3-bedroom town houses. The proposal would be a big change for the neighborhood removing 27 Monterrey Cypress trees, eliminating the view from Diamond Heights Blvd. and building a 50’ by 450’ structure on Diamond Street. The property is owned by Vista Del Monte Affordable Housing, Inc. sponsored by the Cesar Chavez Foundation.

There are many opinions about the proposal. Some think that providing more housing is beneficial. Others think that the loss of the trees and the view does not benefit Diamond Heights. Marc Babsin, a representative from the developer, Emerald Fund, and the architect will join us to answer questions.
For more information and to receive the Zoom link for the meeting, please email