Sunday afternoon saw the second drive-by shooting in two months in Glen Park, leaving a young man in stable condition at San Francisco General Hospital and the Glen Park neighborhood shaken.
It began at approximately 4:40 p.m. on Sunday when a 25-year-old man dropped his mother off for work on Bosworth street and then turned down Brompton Street toward Chenery Street, police said.
A black car that had been following him turned left up Chenery towards Glen Canyon Park, made a U-turn at the corner of Chenery and Lippard and sped back towards the young man’s car.
At the corner of Chenery and Brompton the driver of the black car shot into the victim’s car multiple times using an automatic weapon. There were bullet holes in the windshield and the driver’s side window was shattered. The sound of the shots was so loud that neighbors several blocks away reported hearing them.
The driver of the black car sped away, ditching the car near Diamond Heights Blvd. and running away. He has not been located.
Remarkably, the victim was able to exit his car and begin to walk to safety.
“Officers rendered first aid to the victim and medics transported him to San Francisco General Hospital. When last checked, the victim was in stable condition,” Ingleside Station Captain Chris Woon of the San Francisco Police Department told the Glen Park Association on Monday.
Officers blocked off Chenery and Brompton streets with yellow police tape and went door-to-door asking neighbors if they had seen anything or had video footage of the attack. Several did and police quickly gathered video of the attacker’s car speeding up and down Chenery and later being abandoned.
Captain Woon said Monday the investigation was in its early stages and the information was very limited. Investigators will look into whether the shooting might have been related to others in the area, he told the Glen Park Association.

He asked that anyone who had video of the incident or information that might aid the investigation contact Ingleside station. www.sanfranciscopolice.org/stations/ingleside-station.
“Meanwhile, we have increased patrols in the area with both uniformed and plainclothes officers,” he said.
This shooting comes six weeks after an earlier drive-by shooting on a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon in Glen Park left a man with non-life-threatening injuries.
The shootings will be addressed at Thursday’s Glen Park Association Winter Quarterly meeting to be held via Zoom at 7:00 p.m. Supervisor Rafael Mandelman will be attending.
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