Ten years ago, Glen Park was a destination for diners. Customers in 2014 regularly queued for pizza at Gialina, packed the bar while waiting at Le P’tit Laurent and reserved weeks ahead at Chenery Park. Today, it’s a different story. Gialina has briefer waits, Le P’tit Laurent is mothballed and Chenery Park is long closed. […]
Glen Park Merchants Association
Glen Park Merchants Association President and former Canyon Market owner Janet Tarlov appointed to SFMTA Board
The Glen Park Association congratulates Janet Tarlov on her confirmation to the SFMTA Board of Directors! We’ve known Janet as an essential merchant in our neighborhood for 17 years; an active member of our community who spearheads and participates in neighborhood improvement projects; and a caring advocate for Glen Park. Below is the press release […]
GP Selfies with Santa 12/17
Glen Park Merchants Association presents: Selfies with Santa December 17, 1 to 3 p.m. (Click the image to enlarge)
Art Walk Oct 7 in GP
Come see businesses become art galleries, crosswalks convert to concert venues and pavement recast as playground October 7, when Art Walk SF comes to Glen Park from noon to 5 p.m.! Subsidized by the City and organizations like Avenue Greenlight, the event sites visual artists in neighborhood shops and businesses, which in turn offer discounts […]
Fire displaces Glen Park merchant from his home
Critter Fritters Manager Tony Jerez was tuning into the TV news last Friday at 11 p.m. when the fire alarm in his Tenderloin apartment building went off, but he didn’t realize the situation was serious until he heard neighbors yelling. “It’s a real fire,” they called, and the Balboa Hotel’s 25 residents and their pets […]