The SFMTA Board of Directors Search Committee for a Director will meet Tuesday, September 3, 11 a.m., at 1 S. Van Ness Ave., 7th fl. See agenda and supporting documents here. The SFMTA Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, September 3, 1 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. See agenda and supporting documents here. The […]
City Agency Hearings – tree removal edition!
The Board of Supervisors is on break through September 2. Department of Public Works will hold a tree removal hearing Monday, August 26, 5:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 416. Agenda Order No. 201744: To consider the removal of two (2) street trees with replacement adjacent to 5407 Diamond Heights Blvd. Staff has denied the […]
City Agency Hearings – Mural Edition!
The SF Board of Supervisors is on break until September 2, but the Historic Preservation Commission is jumping into the fray over the mural at Washington High School by starting landmark designation for the school. If you’ve missed the battle over the mural there, you’ve missed an interesting conversation about race and censorship. The SFMTA […]
City Agency Hearings
The Board of Supervisors are on summer break. The SFMTA Operations and Customer Service Committee will meet Tuesday, August 13, 3:30 p.m., at 1 S. Van Ness Ave., 7th fl. Agenda and supporting docs The SFMTA Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, August 13, 6 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. Agenda The SFMTA […]
DHB Median Cleanup Aug 10
Hello friends and supporters of the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project, Please join us on Saturday, Aug 10 to collect trash and weed our median islands. (A previous email listed this Saturday, Aug 3, but we needed to move the date.) A big thank you to our regular volunteers and new ones who come to […]
City Agency Hearings
(The Board of Supervisors are on vacation until September 2) The Park, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, August 6, 6:30 p.m., at McLaren Lodge, 501 Stanyan St. Agenda The Historic Preservation Commission will meet Wednesday, August 7, 12:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. Agenda and supporting docs The Recreation and […]
City Agency Hearings
Kudos to the board and mayor coming together on affordable housing, just in time for the summer recess! The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, July 29, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The Board of Supervisors will meet Tuesday, July 30, 2 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The Board of […]
City Agency Hearings
The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, July 22, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, July 22, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda Legislation requiring a Conditional Use application to create employee cafeterias again, streamlining codes to help small businesses, and […]
City Agency Hearings on Vacation
Your faithful correspondent is out of town this week and can’t look at all the agendas. Instead, I’ll forward this from SFMTA: As you may be aware, the SFMTA Board of Directors is preparing a search for a new Director of Transportation to lead the SFMTA. Given the importance of transportation in SF, our […]
Feedback Wanted: Bikeshare Station
Lyft has begun outreach regarding a third bikeshare station proposed for Glen Park (reported on in the summer issue of the Glen Park News). Please see Lyft’s flyer here: V21 Multi-purpose Flyer Arlington Garden and address your feedback to As of mid-May when I last spoke to the company, they think there will be a […]
UNN meeting July 17
Upper Noe Neighbors Community Meeting Wednesday, July 17 7 – 8:30 pm Upper Noe Recreation Center 295 Day Street Mark your calendars – Join your neighbors in lively discussion of neighborhood and city-wide issues. J Church Improvement Project #uppernoe Refreshments and networking at 7. Program follows shortly thereafter. Agenda: * J Church Improvement Project – […]
DHB Median Cleanup July 13
Please join us Saturday, July 13 to collect trash and weed our median islands. We will continue to remove the foxtail grass, a particular vexation for neighborhood dogs and their owners. If you’re unable to join our volunteer work day in person but would like to show your support, please consider making a financial contribution here. Our […]
City Agency Hearings
The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, July 8, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, July 8, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The Transportation Authority Board will meet Tuesday, July 9, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda and […]
City Agency Hearings – FIreworks Edition
Only one meeting that I could find, but don’t forget to join your friends and neighbors at the Arlington Cut Clean Up tomorrow (Saturday, June 29), from 9 a.m. to noon. Meet at Roanoke and Arlington, ready to fight the fennel! Take a break and listen to Friends of the Urban Forest’s proposal to put […]
City Agency Hearings – Deadly (not) Streets edition!
There are all kinds of transportation and safe streets information this week, with links to presentations when available. And the Planning Commission will once again consider perennial favorite 95 Nordhoff, which remains in its many-year limbo. Enjoy! The SFMTA Board of Directors will meet Monday, June 24, 9 a.m., in City Hall, room 400. […]
Arlington Cut Clean-Up June 29
What: Improve the Arlington/San Jose Cut When: Saturday, June 29, 9 a.m. to noon Where: Meet at Roanoke and Arlington Join your neighbors and the City’s Fix-It team for this year’s summer Arlington Cut Clean-Up on Saturday, June 29, from 9 a.m. to noon. This season’s focus will be fennel. Let no frond go un-cut! […]
Wireless Facility at BART
Public Works has approved an AT&T application for a wireless facility at the BART station. See this Diamond_wireless document to see the description, some pictures, and how (if) you want to appeal to the Board of Appeals. The appeal process is quite specific, so if you want to be successful, be sure you read the […]
City Agency Hearings – Dog Park Edition!
Upper Douglass dog park hours to be voted on by RecPark Commission Thursday. (Nearby neighbors want reduced hours, dog walkers want less or no reduction. There seems to have been exactly zero public outreach from RecPark.) The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, June 17, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda Again, […]
City Agency Hearings
The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, June 10, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda There are several major proposals worth following here, though none directly GP-related: establishing a commission to oversee the Dept of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, create a fund to buy homes for communal living for the mentally ill, and […]
DHB Median Cleanup June 8
Dear friends and supporters of the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project, Our median islands are flush with weeds from abundant winter and spring rains. Of particular concern is a weed commonly called foxtail grass that can get stuck in a dog’s paws. While the crosswalk has been a welcome addition that allows pedestrians to safely […]
City Agency Hearings
The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, June 3, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, June 3, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The SFMTA Bond Oversight Committee will meet Tuesday, June 4, 10 a.m., at 1 S. Van Ness Ave., […]
Public Land and Private Profit
Fenced off and closed to the public earlier this year, the re-graded Kern Street parking lot behind Pebbles Café on Diamond Street includes about 1,700-square feet of city land, giving the family that controls the lot 27 percent more space to charge tenants for parking. That changed Tuesday in response to three months of inquires […]
City Agency Hearings – Holiday Edition
The SFMTA Policy and Governance Committee will meet Tuesday, May 28, 10 a.m., at 1 S. Van Ness Ave., 7th floor. Agenda and supporting materials here. The Strategic Planning Progress Report is full of interesting information. The SFMTA Engineering Hearing happens Friday, May 31, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 416. Agenda
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Who Knew? Glen Park Was Once Redlined
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. During the 1930s, a New Deal agency called the Home Owners Loan Corporation asked mortgage lenders, developers and real estate appraisers to draw up maps assessing the risk of lending money […]
GP Ball Fields Closed in June
The Recreation and Parks Department has said it will close the Glen Park Ball Fields from June 3 to July 8, 2019, for turf renovation. Look for posted signs on site as well as information from the department’s social media platforms.
City Agency Hearings – Robots Edition!
Two GP items before the Planning Commission on Thursday! Mandleman’s efforts to pilot a state law meant to expand conservatorship laws to include drug addicted mentally ill people is hitting serious headwinds, as described in this SF Weekly article. It goes before Rules again this week. (See “Mandelman Legislation” below). Slide presentation of the issue. […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Bird & Beckett Bookstore Recognized at City Hall
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Eric Whittington, proprietor of Glen Park’s Bird & Beckett Books, was honored at City Hall on Tuesday with a commendation from Supervisor Rafael Mandelman. (Or “Condemnation,” as Whittington accidentally referred to […]
Community Discussion of SB50 (Among Other Issues)
Forwarded from Upper Noe Neighbors: Mark your calendars – Join your neighbors in lively discussion of neighborhood and city-wide issues. Recology – how to keep SF the greenest city in America? What’s in store. Share your insight and offer Recology feedback on the services that they provide. SB50 Just The Facts – SF Planning […]
City Agency Hearings
Mandelman is moving forward with the legislation to expand mental health/substance abuse conservatorships in the Rules Committee, and he’s holding a hearing to see what resources the city has to accommodate the law. Presumably his line of questioning will follow up on recommendations from the city’s April 2018 performance audit of DPH’s Behavioral Health Services, […]
City Agency Hearings – City College edition!
On Friday, the BOS will hear about the cuts to City College classes, which seems like it could be heated. For disappointment, turn to the MUNI Forward report to the SFMTA Board of Directors Tuesay. No improvements to the J any time soon, alas. Finally, the Supes are proposing half of all future Education Revenue […]
DHB Median Cleanup – May 4
Please join us this Saturday to clear and polish our median islands following the substantial winter rains. Date: Saturday, May 4 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Location: Meet at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 101 Gold Mine Dr, Parish Hall (Lower Level) Refreshments: Morning snacks Lunch: We will serve a hot lunch afterward to say thank you RSVP to so […]
City Agency Hearings
Only one GP-related item this week, but plenty of interest overall: navigation centers for every district proposed; a regional housing report and one on Jump bikes. Read on: The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, April 29, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The following legislation is submitted under the […]
City Agency Hearings — Package Theft Edition!
Some of the most interesting items this week are down under Mandelman Legislation: a proposed pilot program to provide parking for the “vehicular homeless;” a proposal to allow certain non-profits the “first right to purchase” multi-unit buildings, and a hearing on package theft and home burglaries on Friday. Enjoy! The BOS Rules Committee will […]
Greenway Work Party May 4
Hello friends and supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Our next work party will be on Saturday May 4! I hope that you’ll be able to join us. Please email me to tell me if you will be there. We’ll start at 9:00 – there’ll be coffee waiting for you Meet at the top of the […]
City Agency Hearings: Scooter and Bikeshare Evaluation Edition!
The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, April 15, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, April 15, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The SFMTA Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, April 16, 1 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. See […]
City Agency Hearings – Nordhoff Subdivision Edition!
Locally you can weigh in on the subdivided property at 95 Nordhoff (the tree will stay rooted) or advocate for funds for the the Sussex/Elk crossing. Citywide, the Transportation Authority Board will hear how SFMTA will handle traffic at the new basketball arena (don’t drive and don’t have a heart attack). + D8 Supe Mandelman […]
City Agency Hearings
Sorry to say I have to publish this incomplete and early because of another commitment this weekend! RecPark and Board of Appeals agendas weren’t available Thursday evening, but I linked to the page you go to for the agenda when it finally does appear. Write in and tell us if something interesting was up! […]
City Agency Hearings
The Board of Supervisors is on recess next week. The SFMTA Policy and Governance Committee will meet Tuesday, March 26, 10 a.m., at 1 S. Van Ness Ave., 7th floor. Agenda and supporting materials here. The SFMTA Engineering, Maintenance, & Safety Committee will meet Wednesday, March 27, 3:30 p.m., at 1 S. Van Ness […]
Greenway Signage Celebration March 23
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Please come to the celebration on the Greenway when we unveil the new Greenway sign and celebrate the completion of our first Tree-Planting Project. Saturday March 23 at 11:00am On the Greenway near Brompton Avenue Enjoy some coffee, cookies and other refreshments Representatives of our major […]
City Agency Hearings – Elk Street Edition!
Big changes coming to Elk Street at the top of the hill! The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, March 18, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, March 18, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The Transportation Authority Board will […]
Wilder Community Garden
Let’s create a community garden in Glen Park! A group of neighbors is talking to BART about turning their inaccessible plot facing Wilder Street over to the community to become a peaceful and secure green space for the neighborhood to enjoy. Help make this a reality! A community garden needs community members. Join us Tuesday, […]
City Agency Hearings: SFMTA Feedback Edition!
No CAH next week, but this week we have an SFMTA Board hearing on bikeshare outreach (please email suggestions if you can’t make it), no more NRA membership for the SFPD, and a chance to smoke pot at events legally. The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, March 4, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room […]
City Agency Hearings: Urban Problems Issue
Homelessness in neighborhoods, vacant storefronts, toilets, congestion and an expanded definition of car break-ins. Crazy week in the city! The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, February 25, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, February 25, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. […]
City Agency Hearings: Holiday Edition!
It’s always quiet when there’s a holiday, but there are a couple items of interest noted below. Reminder that the Ingleside Precinct Community meeting will be next week! The SFMTA Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, February 19, 1 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. See agenda and supporting documents here. The Ingleside Police […]
Arlington Cut Clean-Up Feb 23
What: Improve the Arlington Cut When: Saturday, February 23, 9 a.m. to noon Where: Meet at Mateo and Arlington Join your neighbors and the City’s Fix-It team for this year’s first Arlington Cut Clean-Up on Saturday, February 23, from 9 a.m. to noon. We’ve made incredible progress since our first clean-up on Earth Day 2018: […]
City Agency Hearings: Sussex Crossing Edition!
Click here to read the SFMTA’s Annual Report. Meanwhile, big change is afoot for Sussex at Elk! The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, February 11, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Budget and Finance Committee will meet Monday, February 11, 11:30 a.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda This […]
Reminder: Early Morning BART Service Disrupted
Forwarded from BART See Glen Park BART bus schedule here Click on link to see map of where to pick up bus Dear Community Partners, Starting on February 11, 2019, morning weekday BART trains will start one hour later for vital repairs and critical earthquake safety work. Alternative bus service will run between 3:45 am […]
D8 Clean, Compost & Recycling Event Feb 16!
Three Great Opportunities February 16 1. Volunteer to clean your streets 2. Get rid of your junk for free 3. Free compost and paper shredding 1. Volunteer to clean your streets The Community Clean Team and Giant Sweep are back for 2019 and we need your help to keep our city clean, green […]
City Agency Hearings + Mandelman Legislation
Of note this week: Coyotes and other urban wildlife, parties in historic buildings, vacant store-front tax, and Mandelman sizes up your rear (yard). Is it as big as a house and well-situated? Then build one already! The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, February 4, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS […]
City Agency Hearings + Mandelman Legislation
The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, January 28, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, January 28, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The Transportation Authority Board will meet Tuesday, January 29, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The […]